ALBRECHT reserves the right to make changes in keeping with technical developments or improvements to our products. |
ALBRECHT can give no guarantee for confidentiality, availability and integrity of data exchanged over the Internet. |
ALBRECHT does not accept any responsibility for information provided by third parties. |
ALBRECHT will not tolerate the web host/server to be used for the dissemination of illegal or prohibited material, neither based on Swiss nor international law. |
The risk of doing so, however, can not be eliminated. The entire responsibility for such material lies with those people who use the servers and storage media for the purpose of storing and/or dissemination of such material. ALBRECHT expressly reserves its right to reject and/or delete material from its data storage devices/sources. |
ALBRECHT despite careful content control accepts no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages exclusively their operators are responsible. |
It is prohibited to send junk mail to the ALBRECHT website listed e-mail addresses. |